Sunday Survey, Vol. 2

by - 9:00:00 AM

Hello guys,

Sunday Survey in our Happy Sunday section is another great way to share something from your life, but it's also great opportunity to get to know you guys! The principle is simple, I'll ask five questions, answer them and you can feel free to do the same. :)

1. How many languages do you speak?

I can speak fluently only with two languages. Czech (well, I should know my native language :D) and English. After last three years I can finally say, that I feel very good about my English. Now you must think "yo girl, you make so many mistakes and you think your English is good?". I agree with you, but I remember how I used to speak 5 years ago and it was pretty bad. And the main thing? I can communicate with other poeple and we always understand each other, so I'm happy about it.

2. Do you believe in aliens?

Yes and no. I don't believe in green little monster who try to kill us, but I believe that somewhere in different universe must be some form of life.

3. Sephora or Ulta?

For me personally it's definitely Ulta, because you get everything in this place- drugstore and high end makeup. And my local Ulta has great stuff, they ask you once or twice if you need help and that's it. Sometimes in Sephora they ask you every ten seconds and that can be pretty annoying, plus it happened me more than once that stuff in Sephora look at you like you try to steal something. You know the feel, right? It feels like someone tries to burn a hole in your back with his eyes. I don't like this feel and thanks this I always feel weird when I'm in that place.

4. What is your ideal evening?

It might be very weird for someone, but my ideal evening is one in front of TV with my family and cats and enjoying great meal with hot tea.

5. Large or small earrings?

Definitelly small ones. I have a big round head and I just don't think it looks nice when I wear big a*s earrings.

Allright guys, here are my answers and now I would like to read yours.

Have a great Sunday!

Love, Michelle <3

I would be more than happy if you join the Bloglovin' party with me. :)


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  1. I wish I could speak more than one language! I took two years of Spanish in school but I struggle when I hear it. I also love just watching TV with my pets and some popcorn :)

    1. I took 4 years of German in school as well, but I sucked at this language. Since then I can't hear it anymore. :D :D

  2. teď nevím jestli psát česky nebo ne :D. Super článek:) v mimozemšťany také věřím a nevěřím v ty zelené příšery, na tom se shodneme :-D ten večer s telkou mi přijde fajn, hlavně teď na podzim, ale k tomu bych přidala někdy místo rodiny přítele, když bych ho měla... :)


    1. Klidně česky, i když je to hodně velký nezvyk. :D Já už tak nějak beru přítele jako rodinu, takže je v tom již začleněn. Ale jinak s tebou naprosto souhlasím. :)


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